Wednesday 22 October 2008

TechExcel DevSuite: The Platform for Scalable, Agile Development

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Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) describes the discipline of delivering software as a repeating set of related activities. These activities, often occurring in parallel, span across business units and roles. These related processes intersect and overlap at critical points, requiring new tools that unite disparate silos and focus the energy and effort of the entire organization towards a release. TechExcel DevSuite assists teams towards this goal.

DevSuite is a modular system. Each component can exist on its own as a best-of-breed tool. However, the applications can be seamlessly integrated in a variety of solutions. This integration provides new levels of traceability. Teams can now see requirements that have no implementation work, test functionality against a common set of specifications, embed designs with the information developers see for their work assignments, and report across a wide spectrum of project data. Remove the guesswork from day to day development with DevSuite.

CLICK HERE to discover how DevSuite can streamline Application Lifecycle Management. (Source: TechTarget)

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